Lymphatic, Cranial & Trauma CE Classes
in North Carolina for Massage & Bodywork Practitioners
2003-2026: CE Approved Provider for Massage and Bodywork Therapists in California; 2007 to Present: NCBTMB Approved CE Provider #450498-07.
Class Description: (see Class Schedule for 2025 dates and location). Cancellation Policy on Class Schedule page
Basic Lymphatic Massage 21 CEs
- Day one: A/P of the Lymphatic System including its relation to other systems especially the Immune System; location of the major nodes, superficial and deep lymphatics.
Learning and Observing (i.e.palpation, rhythm, frequency and direction of flow)Upper Extremities (face, neck,). - Day two: Upper Extremities: (chest, lymphatic breast care, arms and hands)
- Day three: Lower Extremities: deep and superficial nodes of the abdomen, legs and feet. After Demo, students will practice giving an entire lymphatic massage session.
Lymphatic Massage:
Helps remove metabolic wastes and reduces swelling
Helps with healing after surgery
Improves the function of the immune system and increase the production of antibodies to fight off infections
Reduce inflammation in the body that causes diseases such as arthritis
Reduces pain and stress and promotes general vitality and well being
Improves skin conditions
Regeneration of tissues
Basic Lymphatic Massage, Upper Extremities This class offered again in 2024!!
14 CEs
This 2 day class covers A/P of upper extremities (face, neck upper chest, arms and hands). Additional information and techniques included for lymphatic breast care as well as skin care (i.e. wrinkles and scar tissue.
“Great class for those who work in the spa industry – bodyworkers and estheticians!!”.
The Cranial System: Structure & Motion 1
21 CEs
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle modality that works well alone and in combination with other modalities to help the body return to its natural balance. The Cranial system consists of the cranium, bones, sutures, dural tube and cerebrospinal fluid. This therapy works with the body to free up areas of restriction, improve and correct many areas of dysfunction Cranial Sacral gets to the core and helps release physical and emotional trauma that may have been trapped deep within for many years.” This class covers in in-depth exploration of the A/P of the cranial system and surrounding areas; palpation and identifying cranial motion throughout the body; locating, evaluating and freeing up areas of restriction and dysfunction within the cranial system to help the body self-correct in order to return to its natural balance. Printed materials included.
Upon completion, students will be eligible to take Advanced training of this work and/or Cranial Sacral, Holistic Modalities: Emotional Release from Trauma
Working with Trauma: (self care) Care for Others
7 CEs
“A great class for practitioners who want to volunteer and/or work with trauma survivors in their private practice“.
Class defines trauma; the major symptoms, conditions and signs of trauma and how trauma can lead to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Students will have an opportunity to better understand steps a chronic survivor needs to take before they can feel comfortable out in society and feel comfortable to receive bodywork; the Positives and Negatives when working with Trauma Survivors; What to know prior, during and after a session while staying within the state’s Scope of Practice and hands on Role Playing using verbal and nonverbal communication. A number of self-care exercises will be given throughout the day to help practitioners stay grounded, present and focused when working with trauma survivors.
The Cranial System: Structure & Motion Advanced* 24 CEs
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle modality that works well alone and in combination with other modalities to help the body return to its own natural balance”.
This Advanced class begins with a brief overview of the first level and then moves into finding, evaluating, treating and re-evaluating inertial patterns around the sphenobasilar junction, vertebral dynamics, hard palate, TMJ Syndrome (tension-holding structures above and below mandible)
Class covers different ways for locating and releasing physical and emotional tension in order to assist the body to return to homeostasis (natural balance). Printed materials included.
*Pre-requisite: Completed one live course of cranial sacral therapy. and have used techniques learned in their massage/bodywork practice. Instructor’s approval also required.
Cranial Sacral & Holistic Modalities: Emotional Release from Trauma* 21 CEs
Introduction to trauma ; the symptoms of visible and hidden trauma; where and how trauma effects the body; connections to the brain and nervous system and how some holistic methods will be a possibility to trauma resolution; using cranial sacral as a tool for locating and releasing emotional trauma; practitioner care, review of ethics when working with trauma survivors; Chakras (energy centers) and Meridians (energy channels) also introduced as ways to balance & release emotional blockages. Printed materials included. *Pre-requisite: Completed one live course of cranial sacral therapy and able to feel the cranial motion when it starts and “stops”.
To register and for more information: Call 828.450.0979 or send an email from this website. All classes start at 9am and end no later than 5:30pm each day (except for The Cranial System: Structure & Motion Advanced class which ends no later than 6:30pm). Certificates of Completion for all classes given on last day to all students who have completed full class training.
CANCELLATIONS: If cancelling before 3 weeks prior to start of class, you will be refunded full tuition amount paid; if cancelling 3 weeks but no more than 2 week prior to start of class, you will be refunded full tuition minus a $50 administration fee ; if cancelling less than 2 weeks prior to start of class, NO REFUND but you will be given a credit if choosing to take any future class.
Cranial Sacral Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage intros have been presented to members and staff of health care facilities, support groups, service organizations and retirement facilities.
Time Management workshops have been presented to business and service organizations.
Stress Management and a favorite, “Steps to the Comfort Zone” have been presented to healthcare establishments, financial organizations, retirement facilities and private venues.
“All presentations focus on the needs of the target audience.”
Presentations can go from one hour to six hours and costs will vary based on length of time as well as expenses involved.
I would be very happy to give a group workshop at your facility inside or outside of Asheville. Contact me and let’s discuss.
“How important it is for each of us to put our Self out there to share what is most meaningful to us, to plant seeds of inspiration in the hearts of others who can and will go on to plant seeds of their own”. (Anonymous)